How to Lose $10,000,000: The True Price of Food Recalls

Learn how to protect your business and public health with effective food safety practices and how inventory management can help.

Written by Travis Hinkle

On January 8, 2024


Product recalls are an inevitable part of the food and beverage industry, with both small and large companies alike susceptible to their far-reaching impacts. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) estimates that recalls of single products can cost global companies around $10 million1. But beyond the immediate financial implications, product recalls also carry significant public health concerns and can cause long-term damage to a company’s reputation.

The Importance of Recalls from a Public Health Perspective

First and foremost, recalls are crucial for protecting public health. They often occur in response to concerns about potential contamination or mislabeling that could pose health risks to consumers. For instance, allergen mislabeling is a common reason for recalls in the food industry2. Despite the financial burden, companies have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of their customers.

The Inevitability of Recalls in the Food Industry

Given the complex supply chains and rigorous safety standards in the food and beverage industry, recalls are inevitable. Even with stringent quality control measures, issues can arise at any stage of the production process. For example, in 2018, a cereal giant had to recall one of its cereals due to a salmonella outbreak3.

The Costs Associated with a Product Recall

The financial costs of a product recall can be staggering. Beyond the direct expenses like retrieval and disposal of the product, there are indirect costs to consider as well. This includes loss of sales, lawsuits, regulatory fines, and the intangible yet significant cost of brand damage.

Brand damage can be particularly devastating, as it erodes customer trust and loyalty that may have taken years to build. Between 2015 and 2018, an international Mexican fast-casual restaurant chain suffered a series of foodborne illness outbreaks, leading to a significant drop in its stock price4.

Without naming names, we’ll take a look at three different food-safety cases and what we can learn from them. All of these were well-known public cases, in the U.S. and abroad.

Case Study #1: Mexican Fast Casual Chain Pays Highest Food-Safety Fine in History

Between 2015 and 2018, more than 1,100 people got sick due to food-borne illnesses at an international Mexican fast casual restaurant chain. To avoid criminal conviction, in April 2020, they agreed to pay a $25 million criminal fine—the largest ever in a food safety case—along with complying to an improved food safety program, as part of a three-year deferred prosecution agreement (DPA)5.

Causes of Food Safety Issues

Several of the foodborne illness outbreaks have been linked to ill restaurant staffers handling food6. Additionally, allegations surfaced that managers were ‘cutting corners,’ thereby putting food safety at risk7. These incidents highlight a lack of stringent food safety protocols and proper employee training.

Effects and Company Response

The food safety outbreaks led to a drop in sales8 and resulted in the company agreeing to pay the largest-ever fine in a food-safety case, amounting to $25 million9. In response, they have since initiated a food safety overhaul, including implementing high pressure processing (HPP) as an intervention10.

These food safety issues serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of robust food safety measures. Adherence to food safety regulations, employee training, traceability of food products, and regular audits are all essential components of an effective food safety program.

Case Study #2: Popular Noodle Recall

In 2015, one of India’s most beloved snack foods found itself at the center of a major controversy. These popular instant noodles had long been a staple in Indian households, known for convenience and taste11. However, tests revealing higher-than-permissible levels of lead in the product led to a nationwide recall, causing significant damage to the company’s reputation and finances. The recall cost the company approximately $67 million, not including the loss of sales during the ban and the subsequent damage to the brand12.

The crisis began when routine tests by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) found excessive levels of lead in the noodles12. This posed serious health risks, prompting a voluntary recall of the product from stores across the country.

The Recall: A Costly Affair

The recall process was a logistical nightmare that involved retrieving, testing, and disposing of millions of packets of instant noodles. This operation was not only time-consuming but also costly. The total costs incurred by the company due to the recall, loss of sales, and other related expenses ran into the millions of dollars.

The Fallout: Damage to Brand Image and Consumer Trust

Beyond the immediate financial losses, this international food company subsidiary also had to grapple with severe damage to its brand image. Consumers felt betrayed, and their trust in the brand was significantly undermined. The company’s stock price plummeted, and there was a considerable dip in its market share12.

The Aftermath: Restoring Trust and Preventing Recurrence

In the wake of the recall, the company took several measures to regain consumer trust and prevent such incidents from happening in the future. These included enhancing their quality control processes, increasing transparency in their communications, and making a public commitment to maintaining the highest standards of food safety.

The company also invested heavily in a public relations campaign to rebuild its tarnished image. This involved engaging directly with consumers through social media and other platforms, addressing their concerns, and reassuring them about the safety of their products2.

While the 2015 noodle recall was undoubtedly a costly and challenging incident, it also served as a stark reminder of the importance of stringent quality control measures in the food industry. It underscored the need for transparency with consumers and demonstrated the potential impact of such crises on a brand’s reputation and consumer trust.

Case Study #3: Ice Cream Listeria Outbreak

A popular ice cream maker had to recall its product lineup in 2015 after a listeria outbreak. The company estimated the cost of the recall to be over $50 million, including product retrieval, disposal, and factory sanitization costs13.

The Listeria Crisis: An In-depth Analysis of the 2015 Recall

A renowned ice cream manufacturer faced its toughest challenge in 2015 when all its products were recalled due to a Listeria outbreak. This incident not only led to significant financial losses but also tested the company’s resilience and crisis management capabilities.

The Onset of the Crisis

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment reported the isolation of Listeria from an unopened product on March 22, 2015. As Listeria poses serious health risks, the ice cream maker and the FDA issued public recall notifications shortly after.

The Recall: A Daunting Task

The recall process entailed retrieving, inspecting, and disposing of all the company’s products. Additionally, extensive sanitization of their factories was necessary to eliminate any lingering traces of Listeria. The cost of these operations were multiple millions of dollars, putting severe strain on the company’s resources.

The Human Impact: Challenges for Employees and Executives

The recall also presented considerable challenges for the ice cream company’s workforce. For many employees, it meant dealing with the fear of potential job loss due to the company’s financial predicament. Despite this, they rallied together, working diligently to manage the crisis and ensure the company’s survival.

The company’s executives were also put to the test. The president of the company faced charges related to the listeria outbreak14, adding legal complications to the mix. Despite these challenges, the leadership team worked tirelessly to navigate through the crisis, demonstrating remarkable resilience under pressure.

Public Response: A Spectrum of Reactions

The recall elicited a wide range of responses from customers. While some expressed disappointment and concern over the safety of their products, others rallied behind the brand, showing support during the crisis. The company’s social media platforms became a hotbed of activity, with customers voicing their opinions and the company actively engaging with them to address their concerns.

The Aftermath: Rebuilding Trust and Reputation

In the wake of the recall, the beloved ice cream brand faced the daunting task of rebuilding its tarnished reputation. The company took several measures to regain consumer trust, including enhancing their quality control processes, increasing transparency in their communications, and pledging to uphold the highest standards of food safety.

Despite the challenges, they managed to weather the storm. The company paid $17.25 million in criminal penalties14 and worked diligently to rectify the issues that led to the recall.

Industry Impact: Lessons Learned

The listeria crisis served as a sobering reminder for the entire ice cream industry about the importance of stringent quality control measures. It underscored the potential risks associated with food production and emphasized the need for regular audits, rigorous testing, and effective recall plans.

While the 2015 listeria outbreak was a challenging period for the company, it also offered valuable lessons. It highlighted the importance of preparedness, resilience, and transparency in managing such crises. Today, they continue to delight consumers with their products, and their commitment to food safety is stronger than ever.

Financial Impact Analysis

Each of these recalls led to significant direct and indirect costs. Direct costs included product retrieval, testing, disposal, and replacement. Indirect costs encompassed legal fees, regulatory fines, and loss of sales due to damaged brand reputation.

For example, sales of the instant noodle manufacturer dropped by about 20% in the fiscal year following the noodle recall15. The ice cream maker had to lay off a third of its workforce due to the financial strain caused by the recall16.

Mitigating the Impact of Product Recalls

All the companies took extensive measures to rectify the issues that led to the recalls. This included thorough reviews of their quality control processes, enhanced testing protocols, new employee training procedures, and increased transparency in communication with customers.

Though product recalls are often unavoidable, costly, and challenging, they are an essential part of ensuring food safety. By taking proactive measures and handling recalls effectively, food and beverage companies can mitigate the financial impact of recalls and maintain customer trust.

A few proactive measures companies can take include:

  1. Implement effective quality control programs: Regular audits, rigorous testing, and employee training can help identify potential issues before they lead to a recall.
  2. Invest in an inventory management system: Products like Global Inventory Management from Rebus enable companies to track their inventory from manufacturer to final delivery and every step in-between. Real-time product tracking gives you the ability to stop them immediately in the event of a recall, and every minute matters when it comes to keeping products from hitting shelves.
  3. Create a comprehensive recall plan: Companies should have a clear, step-by-step plan for how to handle a recall, including communication strategies and logistical considerations.
  4. Maintain transparency with customers: Open and honest communication can help maintain customer trust during a recall. This involves promptly informing customers about the recall, explaining the reasons behind it, and outlining what steps are being taken to address the issue.


When faced with a product recall, companies should proactively communicate with customers and work collaboratively with regulatory authorities. They should also learn from the experience by identifying root causes and implementing corrective actions.

When it comes to recalls, Rebus is on your side. Learn more about Global Inventory Management or speak with a member of our sales team today to find out how Rebus can help you manage your inventory.


  1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Recall Policies. (2020)
  2. Food Safety Magazine. Allergen Mislabeling: A Leading Cause of Food Recalls. (2018)
  3. CNN Business. Cereal recall. (2018)
  4. CNBC. Mexican restaurant chain food-safety issues. (2018)
  5. (2020)
  6. Food Poisoning News
  7. Today
  8. Food Safety Australia
  10. Meat Poultry
  11. BBC News – How these instant noodles became an iconic Indian snack. (2015)
  12. Bloomberg. (2015)
  13. CDC. Multistate Outbreak of Listeriosis Linked to Ice Cream Products. (2015)
  14. FDA. Former Ice Cream Company President Charged in Connection with 2015 Ice Cream Listeria Contamination. (2020)
  15. Wall Street Journal. Company Sales Fall 20% After Instant Noodle Scare. (2015)
  16. PBS. Ice creamery lays off 1,450 employees due to listeria outbreak. (2015)
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