Building Resilient Supply Chains for the Next Disruption

Written by Travis Hinkle

On June 5, 2024


It’s not a matter of if, but when the next major disruption is coming. COVID-19, the Suez Canal, the Baltimore Bridge, political unrest, and labor shortages… you need a supply chain that can pivot and predict what needs to happen to overcome whatever obstacle is thrown at you.

Ryan Uhlenkamp and Chirag Modi discuss how to best build a resilient supply chain to prepare your company for the next disruption.


  • Future disruptions will be geopolitical, not pandemics. Supply chain resilience depends on continuous planning and adaptation.
  • Leadership must take proactive steps to mitigate risks and adapt to changing challenges. Toyota CEO plans to build separate US and China supply chains.
  • Small and midsize companies should focus on leveraging existing assets, including physical and human capital, to improve supply chain visibility and agility. Small and midsize companies have an edge over large organizations due to their agility and adaptability.
  • Vision and relationships are vital in building supply chain resiliency.
  • Visibility is key for agile supply chain management. Human capital aspect separates fast-moving companies from slow ones.
  • AI can automate routine tasks, but not fully replace practitioners’ decision-making yet. AI will continue to evolve, but fully meeting supply chain resiliency needs may take time.
  • Data crunching + human capital = informed decisions. High-value functions still require human involvement.
  • Flexibility and adaptability are key when it comes to technology investments.
  • Focus on what you can control, leverage technology, and build relationships with vendors and suppliers.


Ryan Uhlenkamp
Chief Operating Officer
Longbow Advantage

Chirag Modi
Supply Chain Transformation Executive

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