Understanding the Implications of the New FSMA Regulations on Food Traceability

Written by Travis Hinkle

On March 25, 2024


For food and beverage companies, the quality and safety of the products they produce are paramount. Food safety regulations in the United States are evolving, and the new FSMA regulations regarding food traceability are set to revolutionize the industry.

In this blog post, we will explore what the new FSMA regulations mean for your food and beverage company and how Rebus Global Inventory Management can help you maintain compliance.

What is the FSMA?

The FSMA, or Food Safety Modernization Act, was signed into law in 2011 with the goal of shifting regulatory focus from reactive to proactive. In short, these regulations require companies to create and maintain records that allow the quick and effective tracing of food products throughout the supply chain. This includes traceability information for all ingredients and materials used during production as well as any food contact surfaces.

What are the implications of achieving FSMA compliance?

The new regulations require companies to establish and maintain electronic traceability records of certain foods in their supply chains. The requirements are applicable to companies dealing with products that are covered in the food safety preventive controls and produce safety rules of the FSMA.

What are the implications of these requirements? For one, it will become significantly easier to track and isolate contaminants in case there is a health emergency. Companies will now be required to keep records of their produce and its movements within their supply chain for at least two years.

How to navigate the challenge of maintaining compliance with FSMA guidelines

Adopting these regulations is likely to be a considerable challenge for companies that rely on manual tracking systems. Fortunately, inventory management software, such as Rebus Global Inventory Management, can help your food and beverage company maintain compliance with these new regulations. They provide automated tracking solutions, which can be synced with your existing systems, such as purchasing, sales, and finance, to help you maintain full electronic traceability.

One key advantage of the Rebus Global Inventory Management system is its ability to automate data collection, report generation, and event tracking. Through barcode scanning, automated RFID tagging, and the use of mobile devices, tracking and tracing will be substantially simplified. Additionally, Rebus’ robust dashboard and visibility tools provide a ‘big picture view’ of your inventory. The system can identify any issues with suppliers, such as non-compliance with regulations or quality assurance.

How real-time data and inventory control can help you stay compliant with FSMA guidelines

Rebus Global Inventory Management also provides real-time data from any connected source, so in the event of any inventory or supply chain issue, you’ll be able to take action immediately. This comprehensive approach to inventory management ensures that your company meets compliance and potential issues are flagged before they become larger problems. Ultimately, the platform enables your company to track each product as it moves within your organization, creating a complete history of each item, from the farm to the consumer.


The new FSMA regulations will change the food safety landscape significantly. Compliance can be costly and requires an overhaul of manual systems for those who have not yet implemented an automated inventory management process.

For companies who do not want to bear the risks of non-compliance amid an increasingly complex regulatory landscape, Rebus Global Inventory Management has you covered. Our comprehensive inventory management system helps ensure your company is always compliant with regulations and allows you to turn your attention to growing your business. 

Implementing a reliable system ahead of eventual enforcement offers a significant return on investment, not only in terms of compliance but in improved operational efficiency. Schedule a call with us and take that first step towards better compliance today!

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